Saturday, October 4, 2014

DC Film Universe: Retconning Like A MoFo

Latino Review has an artlce up detailing how Aquaman made an appearance in Man of Steel. "Where?" you ask yourself. "Did I stroke-out and miss it?"

Don't worry, you didn't suffer irreparable brain damage because of the movie. Apparently, in the scene where Superman is blow off an exploding oil platform and floating in the water, some whales swim by. We are supposed to believe that these were put there to indicate Aquaman had sent them to rescue Superman. Even though, we don't see them actually do anything. And Superman can's drown. So...what?

This has to be a joke, right? If not, then the people responsible for the DC cinematic universe are on crack. It is one thing to have an Easter Egg or foreshadowing (like the Wayne Enterprises satellite). In this case, if we had seen the whales actually support Superman with no further explanation. But...they just swim by...and Superman wasn't drowning.

Marvel knows how to make a collective universe. DC has done a great job with their animated properties; but right now, they seem to be trying way too hard to create interconnections that don't exist.

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