Friday, August 15, 2014

The Future Of Automation - Great Video

This is a great video that gives an overview of the current state of hardware and software automation and raises the question: what happens when most people are unemployable? This will happen and, at least in advanced nations, in our lifetime. And there seems to be no clue as to how to prepare for this, how to develop a new economy where most people don't work and how to manage the transition.

Personally, I think this is a great development. Not the fact that the transition will be painful; it will be. But, isn't the idea of automation to free us from work? And, doesn't that mean, freeing us from the need to do any work at all? What will that future look like, however? Does a post-scarcity economy go hand-in-hand with that future? Or, will we still be bound by broad resource limitations and therefore the need for some economic model that places limits on what a person can buy or own?

Ultimately, the post-scarcity, automated economy will happen. How long will the transition be, particularly globally? and how hard will it be? Those are the questions.

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