Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Chinese Movies theaters Looking At Encouraging Texting During Films

According to the Hollywood Reporter, some theaters in China are experimenting with a system that allows text messages to be displayed on-screen. If this ever happen in the US - or if we just get to the day when texting/using devices is allowed in theaters - then I will simply never go to another movie again. It is called the movie going experience for a reason. Most people want to disconnect and spend a couple of hours in a big, dark theater, immersing themselves in another world. Some assclown playing Candy Crush is not what I want to deal with while watching a film.

Here are some details from the article;

Theaters in major Chinese cities have starting experimenting with “bullet screens” on which audiences can send text messages commenting on the film, which are then projected directly onto the screen.

If you're sensitive to people using their cellphones during a movie, then going to the movie theater in China would be far from relaxing experience. Rows of underlit faces and chiming ringtones punctuate the show, despite requests asking patrons to turn their phones before the movie begins.


The inspiration behind the idea appears to be that it mimicks that of watching a movie on mobile media, which is how most Chinese people watch films, with people sending messages about what they like or dislike about the movie.

That. Sounds. Wretched.

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