Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Boob Tube - Haven

I started watching Haven recently. I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it through the first season. The premise is pretty good - a town in Maine is full of metahumans, people with mysterious, supernatural powers. An FBI agent (Emily Rose) is sent to the town on a routine case, finds the weirdness and decides to stick around, joining the local police force. Every episode focuses on some supernatural crime. The tone is jokey, a humorous (in theory) take on The X-Files, Fringe and similar shows. It lacks the outsider perspective - the protagonist is introduced as a believer in the supernatural and doesn't have a "Scully" around to balance her out or serve as a natural reason for exposition.

The problem is the writing, which is terrible. The stories are poorly constructed, the characters nothing but big balls of quirks and cliches (think Twin Peaks), episodes rely on "Scooby Doo" style resolutions with the full confession in the last 90 seconds apparently a favorite. We also have a protagonist who finds one metahuman after another and, apparently, doesn't think to tell her former employers in the FBI. There's the usual "deep dark secret" that one finds in shows these days (something about "The Troubles," a spike in supernatural activity, returning and the protagonist has a mysterious connection to the town). Mostly though, it's such a lifeless, by-the-numbers exercise in lazy writing, cliche ridden dialogue and bland acting.

Of course, it might get better, so I'll probably watch a few more episodes. But, if it doesn't pick up soon...buh-bye.

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