Sunday, November 16, 2014

Poster of the Day - Insemnoid (1981)

First off, why do you call a movie by its porn parody name? I mean Insemnoid? Really? Well, whatever. Right now, the X-rated version of this film (starring Kay Parker and Seka, images of their late-Seventies/early-Eighties hotness below) is playing in my head, so I'm not complaining.

Second, this poster is AWESOME. I mean, how can you beat a screaming woman giving birth to a space monster while astronauts with comically shocked facial expressions look on. We know we're going to see something intense and violent. The tag-line is pretty good; although I'm not sure who's having the nightmare. Is it the chick giving birth? Is one of the guys with the extra-large anime eyes? Maybe the shadowy figure in the back? I can hear him saying, "Hey guys, what are you looking at? I can't see a thing. Bob, can you a move a little to left and stop gesticulate so much. Thanks, that's better...OH MY GOD, IT'S MY REOCCURRING NIGHTMARE!!!!" There are a few details I appreciate, like the time the artist took to include perspiration on the chick. In case her painfully looking face isn't enough, we know that this is not a happy birth because she's sweating. I was going to criticize the comically shocked faces of the astronauts, but, they are seeing a big, pink monster baby crawl of a woman's baby hole (actual medical term), so I'll give them a pass. Finally, the blue/pink color scheme is a subtle nod to traditional baby colors. Talk about sticking to a theme.

For what it is, this is a hard poster to find fault with. If you are looking for an alien monster birth movie, this poster does a good job of saying "I am that film."

It gives us a pretty good idea of the type of movie we're going to be seeing. It may having the trappings of science fiction; but, it really is a horror film. This movie was one of a number made in the wake of Alien that went for the same tone. Some were set on Earth, like Contamination, which has Martian monster eggs infesting New York City. Others are set on alien worlds; for example, Galaxy of Terror which is an awesome movie for numerous reasons, not the least of which is human-giant worm sex.

Hey, I have my standards.

Bonus One: The epic that is Insemnoid in full.

Bonus Two: After the break, Kay Parker (left) and Seka (right).

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