Sunday, September 7, 2014

One Paragraph Review - Antisocial (2013)

Take Videodrome in which a signal (in this case, a subliminal message on a web-sight) causes tumors. Add 28 Days Later with an infection (the tumor) that drives people into a homicidal rage. Sprinkle in a dash of heavy handed satire (social media sites are literally turning users into monsters). Mix well and you have Antisocial. Well, actually you have The Signal which came out in 2007 and is a much better film. But, now you have Antisocial. The film looks pretty good, although there are some visuals (like a rip-off of Guy Richie's slow mo/sped-up style from Snatch) that feel added in at random. Visuals have to tell a coherent story as well and not just be a collection of styles that the filmmaker thinks are neat; see House of 1000 Corpses for an example of how bad following that impulse can be. The acting is okay, although the characters are very stereotypical. The main problem is that the film, while having an interesting central premise, just doesn't have enough else going for it - like strong acting or a engaging story - to prevent it from running out of steam around the end of the second act. It's not horrible; but it isn't that good either. If you are in the mood for an average zombie film (which is basically what this is even though the infected aren't dead - at least until the "no-surprise" surprise ending) that has a good central premise and is competently shoot, check it out.

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