Saturday, July 19, 2014

Happy Trailers - The Devil's Rain (1975)

The Seventies were the heyday of Satan movies. Films like The Exorcist, The Omen, and The Omen 2 were big budget examples of demonic cinema. There were also a lot of low-budget films in this sub-genre, some good, some bad. Race with the Devil and The Car are examples of enjoyable low-budget Satan movie. At the other end of the spectrum are the amazingly titled but otherwise boring as...well, Hell...Satan's School for Girls and the horrible Italian rip-off of The Exorcist, Beyond the Door.

Somewhere in the middle is The Devil's Rain. The film is a mess as far as the story is concerned, with numerous plot holes. However, it does make good use of its Southwestern locations, has some great, mid-tier actors (Bill Shatner, Ernest Borgnine, Tom Skerritt), decent low-budget effects and a pretty good pace. In short, it's an acceptable drive-in movie (although it needs a shower scene with hottie Joan Prather). It entertains, gives us some nice images and a few mild scares and then wraps everything up in a fairly unsettling fashion. In short, it's worth seeing.

The trailer, however, does everything a trailer shouldn't. First, it starts with some cheesy paintings. Guys, we're in a movie, not at the Met. Then, it shows all of the effects money shots. Finally, it gives away the ending! So, why watch the 90 minute long movie when I can just watch a 3 minute long trailer that makes about as much sense?

Favorite quote form the trailer: "A melting Hell on Earth!"

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