Tuesday, October 29, 2013

31 Days of Halloween (Day 29) - A Movie, A Comic, An App, And A Podcast Walk Into A Bar...

Document of the Dead is a documentary about George Romero, focusing on the production of Dawn of the Dead, but also touching on his work before and after. THe majority was filmed during a weekend in 1979 while Dawn was being filmed. If you are a) a Romero fan, b) interested in the making of the original Dawn of the Dead or c) like to learn about the film-making process you'll want to watch this. You get a lot of insight into Romero's production process as well as the working relationship he had with his his long-time production partner Richard Rubinstein, special effects wizard Tom Savini and other members of the cast and crew. The difficulties in securing funding, the technical complexities of making a movie like this (there's some interesting talk about the problems of lighting a huge, open space like a mall), a look at the make-up effects, and Romero's philosophy on shooting and editing are just a few of the things you'll see. Check it out.

Nancy, 1-part attitude, 1-part chainsaw.
All parts hot.
Nancy in Hell was an impulse purchase. I saw a couple of panels through the preview feature on comiXology. I thought a busty, chainsaw wielding heroine killing demons in Hell looked promising and picked up the four issues. I'm mostly pleased. The art is appealing, a mix of extreme violence and cheesecake shot. Juan Jose Ryp does a great job drawing drawing monsters and chicks...and monster chicks...in the first two issues. Antonio Vasquez takes over for the final two issues and while it's still good, it is a step down from Ryp's work. Many of the concepts that the writer, El Torres, includes are neat and the whole story has a very "drive-in exploitation movie" vibe to it. However, the dialogue is pretty clunky and the ending more confusing than anything else. If you want a violent, over-the-top action/horror comic and can look past dialogue that, at times, reads like something a thirteen-year-old raised on heavy metal music would think sounds deep, than you'll like Nancy in Hell.

Video Watchdog is my favorite movie magazine and has been for decades. It is the best source for in-depth, thoughtful reviews and articles on those genres of cinema I tend to gravitate towards; horror, science-fiction, exploitation and cult movies, as well as foreign films and older movies that are often overlooked by the mainstream film press. Video Watchdog has now moved into the electronic world with a iOS app offering, as well as versions for the PC and Mac platforms. In addition to a great design, the electronic version (complete with embedded videos and links) is being offered for free when each issue is first released. Old issues will be offered for $3.99. If nothing else, this should convince you to try it out. Go here for the website and here to check out the app.

Looking for an awesome movie podcast? Check out Basasses, Boobs and Body Counts. The focus is on exploitation films of all types, the discussion is lively and fun and the people who run the podcast obviously have an affinity for the films they discuss. Highly recommended.

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