Monday, November 5, 2012

Thoughts on the latest episode of Walking Dead.

T-Dog: You were too good for this world, sweet prince. Just when it looked like you were going to become Dale 2.0 you...well, kind of did, right down to the intestinal munching. Carl: Epic fail as far as first vajayjay exposure, but handles death and imminent zombiefication of mom like a boss. Becoming my favorite character. Looks more commanding in the hat than Rick ever did. Woodbury Tea: What's in it? Zombie head tank juice? Gatorade left in the sun to ferment (no joke, try's the only high that replenishes your electrolytes)? Whatever it is, it seems to be the taste that satisfies. Headshot Bonus: With fucking golf balls? Really? Does everyone roll a natural 20 to-hit? If you know what that means you had the same sad, swirly-filled childhood that I did. Love is in the air: Maggie and Glenn sitting in a...uh, guard tower, 'F', 'U', 'C'...ok, this worked better in my head. Seriously though, having sex while your friends are collecting wood for a big zombie bonfire and smores party? Not cool. Timelines: If 8 months have passed from Farmpocalypse to Martha Stewart's Prison Living, how much time did Seasons One and Two take? Lori's pregnancy seems to have lasted a long time. Maybe in stressful situations women are able to...I don't know...clamp down...serve as flesh bunkers...something. Michonne's Special Wackiness: Let's see how this works: "I am suspicious of man with private town and matching army. So I get in his face and tell him I am suspicious of him, his town, complimentary army....while I'm alone with him." Yes, that makes sense. Bonus points for fetishy gun-stroking. Are you trying to seduce me, you saucy minx? Andrea and Merle: Just hookup, dammit. I wanna see your little Waspy/redneck mutant babies inherit the earth. Rick and the Cons: Was he being more alpha-male douchie than usual? I mean, he should know that with T-Dog dead, we need a new T-Dog. Hopefully, when Merle finally encounters our merry band of survivors, the first thing he'll say is "T-Dog, you lost weight." Lori's demise: So sad...and yet, so wonderfully satisfying to the point I was squealing with glee. Only downside: no zombie Lori for Rick to chain up and reconcile with... Herschel's Daughter Who Is Not Maggie (HDWISM): She gets a line! "Daddy, zombies!" "No shit, honey, they cut off my leg, they didn't...umm..cut off my eyes..." But, that does lead to... Best kill: Herschel with the Crutch Fu. He's so bad, spoiled milk uncurdles when he walks by...yeah, you heard me... Andrew's Super Fun Zombie Vengeance Plan: It all would have worked if it weren't for those meddling kids. Seriously, what was he going to do with a zombie-filled prison? Or is the question, what wouldn't he do? Anyway, fun episode. Liked the death of Lori. Fans of the comic now have no idea what's going on. Well, as long as somebody does.

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