Thursday, July 12, 2012

ComicCon Day One - Revolution

One day, all electricity fails...everywhere. Civilization collapses and the survivors eek out an existence in the ruins.

How come all the chicks in the post-apocalyptic world look like supermodels? Where do they get haircare products?


So, will the plucky young warrior babe avenge her father's death at the hands of a local warlord right out of The Postman? Will she rescue her brother? Will I watch long enough to care? Where does the strapping young archer stud get his hair cut in a world where everyone has been reduced to subsistence farming or banditry?

There are some nice effects - scenes of a ruined O'Hare and downtown Chicago. But...God...terrible acting. A stupid story. A deus ex machina every five minutes. Blah.

I know what this is: someone really liked the show Life After People...and added some people. So, life after most people. Take a story that consists of every staple of post-apocalyptic fiction. Add in a heroine who seems patterned after Katniss from The Hunger Games. Shake well. Pour into a glass. And there you have it...a Suck Shake. Really.

There are good post-apoc series out there: The Survivors (original), Jericho, Jeremiah. This isn't one of them.


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