Thursday, November 13, 2014

Current Events - Jonathan Gruber

I try to avoid politics on this site. However, the statements that one of the Affordable Care Act's architects made in 2012 and 2013 that are now coming out are so offensive, they can't be ignored. These remarks show just what kind of bottom-feeders run the government and make up the "elite" in this country.

Basically, Gruber confirms what many opponents of the the ACA have said for years; that the process of developing the law was focused on hiding the politically unpalatable parts (for example, taxing "evil insurance companies" knowing full-well that they would pass the costs on to consumers, but using this to "hide" the tax on the average citizen), saying that the lack of "transparency" was critical to the law's passage. He also displayed contempt not for the foes of the ACA, but for the Democrat Party's base. When Gruber talks about the "stupidity" of the voters, he's referring to people who support the law.

In the wake of the election drubbing, one of the memes pushed was how dumb Americans who failed to support the Democrats are, that everyone should realize that the President and his agenda are the best thing to ever happen to America. Now, we see that the people who designed the ACA were counting on their own base being made up of morons, in order to gain support for the law. So, apparently, if you oppose the President/Democrat Party you're an idiot and if you support them, you're an idiot.

Well, Obama did promise to bring Americans together. In his own mind, he apparently has; he thinks we are all equally dumb.

Leftist groups like ThinkProgress are trying to discredit Gruber, although if you run a search on that site, you see they had no problem citing his research in years past as being favorable to their pro-Obamacare position. I guess they were stupid then, but not now? Wait, they still support Obamacare. So, are they just stupid in another way? I'm so confused....

Here are some of the statements that have led to this kerfuffle.


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